
Lindsay Mitchell

Founder of Vital-Side, Brain Retraining Coach, PA-C

Lindsay Mitchell is the founder of Vital-Side, a membership program that empowers those with chronic illness and limbic system impairment to retrain their brain out of the chronic stress response so they can get relief from their symptoms and find freedom in their lives. Having dealt with chronic Lyme disease herself, Lindsay found that the common practices used to treat it were limited. She began focusing her efforts on retraining her brain to get out of a constant state of fight-or-flight and into growth-and-repair mode. This set her body up for success, making it possible for her to make a full recovery. Shortly after her recovery from Lyme disease, Lindsay completed her training in neurolinguistic programming (NLP), the emotional freedom technique (EFT), and thought field therapy (TFT) modalities. This training, in addition to her background in internal medicine as a physician assistant, and her experience with Lyme disease makes Lindsay uniquely qualified to assist others in learning how to shift their response and experience positive changes to their symptoms. Over the past five years, Lindsay has worked with thousands of people from all over the world, teaching them about the healing properties of the brain and giving them the tools needed to access their natural resilience through practical, self-directed, and science forward neuroplasticity techniques.

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In between meetings + calls during the day

Earthing Exercise in between clients + simple breathing and recalibrating the mind


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Blowing out the lips + shaking the body: A Nervous System Reset


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6:30 am - 7:30 am

Intentional focus shift first thing in the morning with movement + mindset work (and maybe even music)

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Limbic system-specific | Vital-Side Meditations

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